NSW Science & Research Breakfast Seminar Series
The 2021 Science & Research Breakfast Seminar Series is held at Fishburners, Level 2, Sydney Startup Hub.
Where: Sydney Startup Hub, 11 York St, Sydney 2000. Entry is to the right of Wynyard Station. Take the elevators to level two, where a staff member will direct you.
When: Wednesday 23 June 2021. Breakfast, tea and coffee will be served from 7.15am.
Seminars will commence at 8am and conclude by 9am. Tea and coffee will also be available afterwards until 9.30am.
Due to the current NSW Government COVID-19 restrictions, this event can accommodate a maximum of 200 attendees. Please confirm your attendance through Eventbrite at the link below. RSVPs will close upon receipt of the first 200 acceptances or by 5:00pm Friday 18 June.
Given the restricted audience capacity, we respectfully request that any confirmed attendee email us at events.rsvp@chiefscientist.nsw.gov.au should they become unable to attend, to allow for another to be invited in your place. All guests will be required to check in using the Service NSW app. If you are feeling unwell, please do not attend the seminar.
RSVP: Friday 18 June 2021
TO REGISTER: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/hydrogen-science-and-the-future-of-australia-tickets-141797266441
For further information email events.rsvp@chiefscientist.nsw.gov.au or call (02) 9338 6817.